Click here to download the catalogue, which lists all results. The audiovisuals from the presentation night are available on the SAPF YouTube Channel. Click here to watch.
The Legacy of Doug & Barbara Mullins
The Annual Exhibition Committee agreed with Howard Speed and SAPF President David Shetliffe that members of the Federation should be aware of our benefactors, Doug and Barbara Mullins. The following is a small reflection on their love of photography and commitment to SAPF Inc.
Barbara was a passionate photographer who always strived for excellence—her photographic honours letters are a testament to that. Even more importantly, Barbara always made herself available to anyone who needed guidance with their photography. Barbara and Doug were instrumental in bringing the International Audio Visual Festival to Adelaide. She was chairperson of the APS AV division for many years.
Doug was a successful businessman and philanthropist with a great passion for photography. In 1962, he was the main driving force behind the formation of the South Australian Photographic Federation. He became its inaugural President and served as President from 1962-63, 1969 and 1992-1993. He was the Patron from 1998 until he died in 2006. He organised the first SAPF convention in 1962 and the first APS Convention (APSCON) in the same year. He received several honours and awards for his work and service to photography. With Barbara, he was awarded the Dobson Henry Medal by the Royal Photographic Society (UK) in 2004. In 1992, Doug donated the use of a building he owned to the SAPF. It was known as the SAPF Gallery. In 2002, the gallery was sold, and Doug and Barbara donated the bulk of the funds to the SAPF, which became known as the “Mullins Fund”. The Mullins Fund Committee and the SAPF Management Committee manage the fund. It is used to promote photography in South Australia, following the objectives of the Federation.