Focused Newsletter Christmas 2022

On behalf of the SAPF Management Committee, I wish you all a safe, joyous and peaceful Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Much has happened in 2022. A year ago seems an eternity as we still struggled with the effects of Covid lockdowns, travel restrictions and general uncertainty about where it was all headed.

The then President Ross Pollock resigned mid-year due to taking early retirement and moving to the West Coast, and my world suddenly got a little busier. I take this opportunity to thank Ross for his valuable contribution.

2023 plans

SAPF is very much focused on 2023 and beyond, with many plans for re-vitalising the organisation. The program for 2023 is going to be hectic and full on with visits to as many clubs as possible, the development of a Strategic Plan, the celebration of our 60th Annual Exhibition and a few other things in the pipeline that we are not quite ready to announce at this stage. I will make further announcements at the AGM on February 24th, 2023.

SAPF has a proud history of representing the amateur photography society of South Australia. We will continue to honour that history and seek to write our own and set the foundation stones for the future.

Replacement for photocomp

You are all aware that Phil Stapleton of PhotoComp has announced that he will not be supporting PhotoComp beyond the end of 2023. This is highly significant to many member clubs as some quirky issues have already arisen in the software, and therefore SAPF has stepped up its search for a replacement. We want to avoid using software that one person manages, as is the current situation. This is not a sound long-term strategy. To this end, we have found a US product owned and managed by a software company, has staff and is already in use by several clubs across Australia with a server based in Canberra.

SAPF has been instrumental in getting this company and Phil Stapleton talking to see what can be integrated and to identify shortcomings if any. The US company has generously allowed us to set up an extended trial and will also offer SAPF the same discount it provides to the American Photographic Society.

SAPF Snr Vice President Brad Hodge is heading up a subcommittee of proficient PhotoComp users (of his choosing) to evaluate this software and report back to the Management Committee by December 30th. Once we have that report, and assuming it is positive, we will put out a document with all the necessary information for clubs to set up their evaluation trials. But for now, let us allow these people to get on with their work uninterrupted.

New course organisation

SAPF has been looking at how we run our courses. Our Course Coordinator, Ron Heptinstall, has stepped away from this role after many years, and I thank Ron for his service. Our search for a new co-ordinator, in its current role and format, has proved fruitless, prompting a rethink of how we conduct our courses. So, with a new approach to delivering these courses, Geraldine Hough has offered to facilitate the new-look courses. More information on this will be released shortly.

west coast photo event

I also bring to your attention a great Photographic Event on the West Coast at Port Lincoln, March 24th-26th. I will be there and hope to see as many of you as possible supporting our regional friends and fellow photographers.

Have a great Christmas, a moderate NYE and see you all at the AGM on Feb 24th 2023
