Focused Newsletter October 2022

You may have heard on the grapevine, that SAPF President Ross Pollock resigned from the management committee (MC), effective from September 1st, 2022. He has also resigned as President of the Eastern Suburbs Camera Club.
 Ross was hoping his company’s contract would last a couple more years, and planned to retire to the West Coast in 2025. His plans have been brought forward and he and his wife, Yvonne, are relocating shortly to Port Lincoln.

Grant Petras the Senior Vice President will take on the Presidency and Brad Hodge has agreed to join the committee as the new Senior Vice President.
 The committee has been further strengthened with the appointment of Paula Furlani to the MC. Paula is also the Secretary of the Eastern Suburbs Camera Club.
 Due to the caliber of the remaining members of the MC there will be a seamless transition to the new management structure.

2022 Annual Exhibition 

The exhibition was well supported and many thanks to all the entrants for supporting the exhibition. Congratulations to all the winners and those who gained acceptances. The quality of the images was once again very high. 
Staging the event takes a huge effort and special thanks go to Helen Whitford and Colin Pearce and everyone who assisted behind the scenes which are too numerous to mention.

2023 Annual Exhibition

Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the exhibition. Planning is underway to hold it later in 2023 in conjunction with a workshop/seminar format with high-profile guest speakers to celebrate the milestone.
 A sub-committee made up of Geraldine Hough, Amanda Luker and Paula Furlani has been formed to manage the exhibition.

SAPF Events Page

Robert Dettman has set up an Events Page on the SAPF website. All clubs that have events or milestones coming up can post their events on the website. To post an event please send a request to Geraldine at

Mullins Fund

One initiative that has received widespread acceptance was the decision by the MC in conjunction with the Mullins Fund MC to fund the Public Liability Insurance for all clubs this year. This decision was made as a way of using the Mullins Fund to benefit all clubs and their members.

The MC is also flagging that in early 2023 they will be calling for expressions of interest with a set closing date from interested clubs for a limited number of grants up to $500 for small capital purchases. An assessment panel will assess grant proposals. Clubs interested in applying for a grant can download the application form from the password protected [Admin] area. If your club doesn’t know the password, please email the secretary

Public Liability Insurance

Regarding Public Liability insurance, there are a couple of points to discuss. Firstly, if a member wishes to claim on the policy, all a club must do is prove that they were a fully paid-up financial member at the time of the incident and were attending a designated club event.
Secondly, a record of attendance should be kept for all club meetings and events. This also includes club outings and photoshoots etc.

SAPF Training Courses

To date, 2022 courses have been well attended with two new courses included in Architecture and Street/Photojournalism. There are two more courses scheduled for the remainder of 2022.

  • DSLR Beginner 1st and 8th October 22

  • Photoshop Basic 5th and 12th of November

The courses are filling, so to avoid disappointment please book early on the website.

It’s with a mixture of sadness and understanding that we report that Ron Heptinstall has advised he is stepping down as Course Co-ordinator. Although Ron’s health is improving, he finds the burden of running the workshops is hindering his recovery. The MC, as does the entire SA photographic community owes Ron a debt of gratitude for his decades of service to SA clubs and the SAPF.

AIPC (Australian Interstate Photographic Competition)

This is an annual event, and each state body enters 10 colour and 10 monochrome digital entries. The images were selected from the winners and acceptances from this year’s exhibition. SA came in 5th out of the six states in a close competition and only missed out on fourth place by a point.

The great news from the competition was that Alan Bevan, Eastern Suburbs CC, won both the top Colour Entry and Best Image in Show with his image “Winter in the Adelaide Hills”, the same image that won top Landscape Image in our exhibition. Well done, Alan.

2022 Judges Workshops

Keith Seidel, Judging Co-ordinator, ran two one-day workshops on the 18th and 25th of June. The first day was an induction workshop for several invited, experienced photographers, who were keen to attend and possibly become judges. Following the workshop 9 individuals will now be joining the judges list. An updated list of judges will be forwarded to clubs this month.

The second workshop was for both the induction workshop attendees and existing judges. This workshop provided feedback on past performance and ways to improve one’s judging style and feedback methodology.

A large portion of the workshop was delivered by several guest speakers on various topics. Keith and the MC would like to thank all the guest speakers and Alison McDonald who once again catered for the workshops.