Focused Newsletter April 2022
/The President, Ross Pollock, is pleased to report that all existing members the Management Committee (MC) of the SAPF were re-elected at the 2022 SAPF AGM that was held on the 1st of April 2022 along with one additional member, David Shetliffe, who is the recently appointed President of the Audio Visual Club of SA. David brings to the committee a lifetime’s experience in the business world managing both commercial organizations and industry associations.
With all existing members of the management team re-elected we are now in the position to concentrate on our plans to develop and deliver support programs and other initiatives to assist clubs.
With many of the Covid restrictions being lifted it’s hoped that this will be the catalyst for clubs to re-commence their programs in full and attract new members.
The MC would like to thank those clubs that responded to the club survey received with the 1st newsletter in January. Your feedback has been discussed at both the March and April MC meetings with several of the suggestions planned to be incorporated in our support activities over the next 12 months.
The SAPF MC along with the Mullins Fund MC are particularly keen to support country-based clubs and are planning and researching a range of educational options, to deliver to country clubs. MC will discuss initiatives with regional clubs to ascertain the support required and tailor activities to those needs.
2022 Annual Exhibition
Final preparations are underway for this year’s Exhibition. The opening and awards presentation night with take place On Thursday 19th May 22 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm at the Burnside Community Centre, Corner of Greenhill & Portrush roads (carpark off Fisher St Tusmore).
The Exhibition will be on show at the Atrium at Burnside from Friday 20th May till Friday 17th June then move to the Port Adelaide Plaza and will be on show from Sunday June 26th – Saturday 9th July 22.
The MC and the Director of the Exhibition, Helen Whitford, would like to thank the 89 individuals who entered 1323 images in total plus the 16 clubs who entered 10 images each in the Club Sets.
The MC is keen for the Annual Exhibition from 2023 and beyond to be taken to country regions. The MC is seeking expressions of interest from interested clubs, who would like to participate in displaying the exhibition. If interested, please email our Secretary, Geraldine Hough.
2022 Judges Workshop
The MC is keen to recommence judging workshops that have been impacted by Covid restrictions since 2020.
Keith Seidel, the Judging Coordinator, is in the final stages of organizing a suitable venue for the workshop that is to be held over two consecutive Saturdays in June this year.
Keith would like to thank all the clubs that submitted the judges feedback survey distributed in 2021 and the suggestions received will be factored in and discussed at the workshop. The workshop is tailored for both new and existing judges.
The workshop is by invitation only and Keith will be inviting existing judges and those individuals nominated by clubs in the feedback survey. As soon as a venue and dates are locked in, Keith will advise all participants.
Para Camera Club Celebrating 50 years
Congratulations to all the members of the Para Camera Club Inc. who are celebrating their 50th year. Ron Heptinstall, Tony Cave, Dave Lamplough and Dennis Wetherly were the founding members, all are still members of the club. The club will be celebrating this milestone later in the year.
Training Courses
The following training courses are available:
Street Photography & Photojournalism Sat 9th & Tue12th July 2022
Lightroom Basic Sat 13th and Sat 20th August 2022
DSLR Beginner Sat 1st and Sat 8th October 2022
Photoshop Basic Sat 5th and Sat 12th November 2022
Please book early as courses are limited to 9 attendees. Click here for full details.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition
This world-renowned exhibition, on loan from the Natural History Museum in London, is now on display at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens through to 24th July 2022.
The MC thought they would give you a heads up re this exhibition. Initial discussions are underway to hold a special private viewing for SAPF members one evening in June with cheese and drinks and hope to invite the two Australian finalists to attend.
The Botanic Gardens management team hope to sign off on staging the event in early May and we will advise you via your club secretaries.