Focused Newsletter May 2023
/Hello SAPF Members,
Welcome to Winter 2023 and my first newsletter as President. A very special thank you to those members of the Management Committee who are continuing in their positions for the remainder of this SAPF year, and thank you and welcome Wayne Hough to the position of Secretary.
Annual Exhibition
Our 60th Annual Exhibition competition is open for entries, and I hope you are all out enjoying your photography to prepare images for your entry. I am really looking forward to seeing your images, especially in our newly defined Australian Fauna Portraiture and Our State of South Australia categories, both print and digital.
Regular reminders will be put on the SAPF Facebook page to ensure you do not miss the close-off date.
Paula Furlani, our Exhibition Coordinator, has been working tirelessly to bring you this Annual Exhibition, so please do not hesitate to contact her if you have any questions. She is eager to help us all to make this one very special for our organization, particularly celebrating our return to ‘normal’ life as photographers.
Training News
Offering courses to our Members in areas of photographic interest with well-accredited tutors has long been, and will continue to be, a very important part of the role of the SAPF Management Committee, although the coordination of courses is no longer the role of a single individual.
Amanda Luker and Robert Dettman, thanks to both of you, have introduced an excellent new format for ‘on location’ photographic training. Two courses, recently run by Amanda and Robert respectively, have been centred in or located near an area where there are both refreshments for personal purchase and a suitable area for the subject photography. This will be the preferred method of delivery for workshops in future.
Training that requires a ‘classroom’ arrangement will be organised on a case-by-case basis, such as the 1-2 July Basic Lightroom course, which will be held over two consecutive afternoons in the U3A facility at Tea Tree Gully. See the SAPF website Courses for information and to enrol.
Have you ever wondered exactly what is an Audio Visual?
‘An AV is a sequence of still images combined with music and narrative to tell a story or create an emotional mood.’ This is a short statement from our Senior Vice President David Shetliffe, who is also the current President of the AV Club of SA, of which our Patron, John Hodgson, is a very active member. Recently, the AV Fest International Exhibition 2023 Gala afternoon, where the winning AVs for 2023 were announced, was held locally.
This genre of photography is well supported internationally, and a lot of International entries as well as National were received for this year’s AVFest run by the AV Club of SA.
Interested? Well, here’s your opportunity. SAPF is conducting an Audio Visual Workshop on 12 August 2023 located at the U3A facility at Tea Tree Gully. Please visit the SAPF website - Courses for details and to enrol.
Later this year, we will offer another Wildlife Photography Workshop, a two-day Basic Lightroom Course, a Street Photography Workshop and a Landscape Workshop – visit the SAPF website – Courses for details.
Mullins Fund Grants
Several Clubs have taken advantage of the Mullins Fund Grant system over the past months and have provided excellent feedback about the resultant benefits to their Club Members. Clubs are reminded that the application for a grant Form is on our SAPF website in the Admin area, together with guidelines regarding their use. Unless there are very extreme circumstances, such as sudden equipment failure needing immediate replacement, Clubs should submit their application as part of their budgeting process and receive Approval for the Grant prior to committing the funds. If you have any questions about the grants, please ring me, and I will be happy to chat with you further.
Club events and exhibitions
As part of the liaison with all our affiliated Clubs, we like to hear when you are having a special event, such as a public exhibition of Club works.
Grant Petras (Immediate Past President) and I recently went over to the Eyre Peninsula, catching up with Past President Ross Pollock and participating in the Eyre Peninsula Picnic Photography Competition (EPPPC) weekend, a combined exhibition and workshops event put on by clubs on the Eyre Peninsula hosted this year by Port Lincoln Camera Club. Both Grant and I were made very welcome, and it is lovely to visit our regional Clubs and get to know them better. The exhibition of prints in a local galley was superb. Maybe we will see some of them in the 2023 SAPF Annual Exhibition.
I also went to McLaren Vale to the Red Poles Gallery to see an exhibition put on by our Edwardstown Photography Club. See our SAPF Facebook page and website for details. Again, the standard of our amateur photography in South Australia is amazing.
One of our Barossa Members, David Dahlenberg, is also part of a free Altitude South exhibition on June 16 in Tanunda showcasing aerial landscape photography. See the SAPF Facebook page for details.
Unless you tell us, we don’t get to hear what you are all doing out there, so please let us know if you are hosting (free) events that may be of interest to our other Club Members so that we can put them on the SAPF Facebook page and website.
I am heading over to the Yorke Peninsula next weekend with the Eastern Suburbs Camera Club and hope to catch up with some of our regional Members at the same time. In the meantime, head out with your cameras and rug up in the wintry air to get more wonderful images of our lovely State.
Until next time,
President, SAPF